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まあ、今でもスポーツには興味ゼロで、渋々、ジムに通い、水浴び程度にプールで泳ぐくらいです。K事務局長は、頻繁にホッケーのGolden Knights応援とか、野球の話とかしていますが「何言ってんだろ?」というくらい、話が合いません。教頭もマラソン大会に出たり、H事務局員も学生時代はバスケをやっていたとか。ゴリゴリ体育会の中に、1人、青白い(色黒だけど)文系のおっさんが間違って入っちゃった・・・というのが今のラスベガス学園の運営陣です。


→ 《お問合せ》lvnks.org/inquiry  《メール》 lvgakuen@lvnks.net

Las Vegas Gakuen started summer vacation on June 15, and like Clark County schools, classes will resume this week. In the local schools, it is a new school year, but Las Vegas Gakuen follows the Japanese academic calendar, so there is a long summer break in the middle of the first semester. The second semester will begin in November.

The big event coming up is the Sports Festival, and the parents in charge of the Sports Festival have already begun preparations. It is one of the events that the students are really looking forward to. In fact, one of our teachers is very fast on her feet, and I secretly think of her as a “fairy”. It’s more like she is lightly flying around.

Some of the parents also remind me of the heroes and heroines of their childhood fields days. It makes me happy to know that not only children but also parents/teachers are looking forward to the event with eager anticipation.

I am a total klutz at sports. Throughout elementary and junior high school, my PE grade was D. I cleaned up after myself and had a “good classroom attitude,” so I guess I got a D instead of an F. In high school, when we had class matches and decided which sport to compete in, I was not allowed to join any team (andI didn’t want to) and ended up as a “referee.” In addition, my at my high school, Judo was compulsory for boys while girls enjoyed Home-Ec. I wanted them to have a choice between home economics and judo. Why are the boys sweating and doing judo in the dirty judo hall and the girls cooking?

I still have no interest in sports, and reluctantly go to the gym and swim in the pool just to take a dip. Our director, K, frequently talks about cheering for the Golden Knights field hockey team or talking about baseball, which I don’t know what she’s talking about.Our vice principal runs a marathon. Our secretary Ms. H used to play basketball when a student. In the midst of these athletes, I am the only klutz…..that is the current management team of Las Vegas Gakuen.

The second issue of “Diary of Chairman Hajime”, a serial column in the Las Vegas Japan Times, has been published. Please take a look.

We are now accepting applications for November (2nd semester) enrollment. We are accepting transfer students from other supplementary schools and Japan at any time. Please feel free to contact us.

→ Inquiry: lvnks.org/inquiry  Email: lvgakuen@lvnks.net
