Click here for the Information for 2025 April Enrollment
Dear Parents/Guardians(English Follows)





このホリデーシーズン、楽しいイベントがたくさんあるかと思います。一方で、もしかすると誰にも相談もできない「格闘」をしていらっしゃる方もおられるかもしれません。人生の不条理に翻弄されている人がいるかも知れません。ほんのひとときでも、スポットライトが当たっていないところで悲しんでいる人、苦しんでいる人がいるかも知れないという思いを抱いてみてください。「私たちの中のもっとも小さな者」への思いを向けるのです。そのようなことを率先しておこなう大人を見た子ども達は、きっと思いやりのある素敵な大人になっていくことでしょう。 私たちがロールモデルになろうではありませんか。


中澤 一


♬ 新年度入学説明会 ♬  1月11日(土)、1月18日(土) どちらも午前10時から開催。同内容。
→ どうぞお知り合いの方に参加をお薦めください。参加申込は学園ホームページのトップページ、黄色のバナーから簡単にできます。
→ 今回から、私がラスベガス学園の魅力をたっぷりご紹介します。すでに在籍中の保護者の方もぜひ見学においで下さい。
電話:213-473-1633 800-645-5341

Dear Parents/Guardian,

I cordially thank you for your continued support of Las Vegas Gakuen.
Your help has made it possible for us to celebrate the end of this year.

We have had to make some “painful reforms” over the past year, but all of them are steps to ensure the survival of Las Vegas Gakuen and to ultimately benefit your children.

Las Vegas Gakuen is more than just a day care or a learning experience — it’s a place where our community comes together. We understand that raising a child abroad can be quite challenging. We understand that the school system and customs can be confusing, especially since they’re so different from what we’re used to back home in Japan. That’s why it’s so great that we have this space where you can all connect and support each other.

For the children, the fact that Las Vegas Gakuen is “a place where they can come into contact with many other Japanese people, be exposed to the Japanese language, and above all, be warmly watched over” is invaluable.

I’m sure there will be lots of fun events during the holidays. But some of you may be struggling with something all by yourself. You may be encountering moments of uncertainty and ambiguity in life.

Please think for a moment that there may be someone among us who is sad and suffering…the least among us. Think of any means to reach out to them. When children see adults being loving, it has a really positive effect on them. I believe that they grow up to be kind and caring people. So, I would like to encourage you and myself to be role models for our children.

I wish you all a wonderful holiday season.

Hajime Nakazawa
Chairman, Las Vegas Gakuen

♬ Enrollment Information Sessions ♬ January 11 (Sat) and January 18 (Sat) at 10:00 a.m. Same content.
→ Please encourage your friends/acquaintances to attend. Registration form is on our Home Page (Yellow Banner on the top page)
→ I will be an “MC”, introducing the charms of LVG. You are also welcome to attend and give me moral support!


CRISIS HOT LINE in Japanese:The Nikkei Helpline

If you don’t have anyone around you to talk to…

Free telephone consultation service in Japanese is available.
Phone: 213-473-1633 / 800-645-5341
Monday through Friday, 10AM-5PM (except weekends and holidays)

The Nikkei Helpline is a group of volunteers in Los Angeles who provide free telephone counseling in Japanese. If you are in trouble or wondering what to do, don’t worry about it alone. Trained volunteers will listen to you and give you advice and refer you to further information.

