Las Vegas Gakuen follows the Japanese school system/academic calendar and offers a year-round study program from April to March.
We do not accept students enrolling in the middle of the school year, except the students transferred from Japan or another state’s Japanese school. Please contact the school office.
■ 入学願書フォーム
■ 児童・生徒生活環境調査票(本学園所定の用紙)
■ 保護者の滞米資格を証明する書類(ビザ、グリーンカード、米国発行のパスポートなど)
Regulations for Admission and Transfer
1, Application Requirements
Applicants must understand the purpose of the institute and have the basic academic skills as well as basic social skills for education in a group setting.
2, Application Documents and Procedures
Applicants must submit the following documents to the school office:
■ Application form
■ Student_Family_Fact_Sheet
■ Documents proving the parent’s eligibility to stay in the U.S.
(e.g. Visa, Green Card, U.S.-issued passport)
3, Admission Examination
After screening of documents, and examination/interview by the teachers, if the grade and class applied for is deemed appropriate, the student will be admitted after a brief school Information session.
Admission to the 1st grade of Elementary Course have a significant impact on the student’s advancement to the next grade; therefore, the parents’ cooperation in home study, students’ conversational ability, and prior knowledge of hiragana and katakana will be thoroughly screened.
Students who enroll in the middle of the school year are required to take a placement test. However, students who transfer from a Japanese school or its equivalent, and those who are deemed appropriate by the school, may be exempted from the examination.