
「補習授業校(補習校)」は、正式には、日本の学校教育法(昭和22年法律第26号)に基づく「在外教育施設」であり、日本国外務大臣が指定し、在サンフランシスコ日本国総領事館の管轄下にあります。同時に、本学園は、ネバダ州認定の非営利団体 [ 501(c)(3) ] でもあります。










Las Vegas Gakuen is a school for children and students with a connection to Japan who live in the Las Vegas area. It is one of the 224 “Japanese supplemental schools” worldwide, where students are usually enrolled in a local school during the week and study primarily “Japanese” on weekends. This is different from the 94 full-time “Japanese schools” around the world that are accredited by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

Supplemental schools are officially “overseas educational institution” under the Japanese School Education Law (Law No. 26 of 1947), designated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan. LVG is under the jurisdiction of the Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco. LVG is also a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization recognized by the State of Nevada.

According to the Consulate’s 2018 announcement, there are approximately 3,000 Japanese (citizens of Japan) living in Las Vegas and approximately 20,000 “Nikkei” living in Clark County, of which Las Vegas is a part. In recent years, the Japanese and Nikkei population in Nevada has grown rapidly, averaging 26% per year.

Las Vegas Academy plays an important role in this Japanese community. The currently enrolled students, faculty & staff, and their family members alone number more than 500.

Many people in Las Vegas know that “Las Vegas Gakuen” exists somewhere, even if they do not have school-age children. However, not many people know how LVG works. They may not be interested in such things at first, but in keeping with the “open policy and increased transparency” that we are pursuing at LVG, we would like to briefly introduce the school.

As a non-profit organization chartered by the State of Nevada, LVG has established a “Board of Directors” as its highest governing body, consisting of five members: the Chairman, two on-campus directors (the Vice Principal and the Administrative Director), and two off-campus directors. The term of office is “one term, one year” for the chairman and “one term, two years” for the Directors, which may be continued or renewed by resolution of the Board.

Since October 2023, when Nakazawa, the fifth president, took office, the board has met four times, which is almost once a month, a high frequency compared to private schools in general, which meet once every three to four months. This is in line with the new Chairman’s policy to strive to operate in a timely manner. Decisions made by the Board are communicated to the faculty and staff as soon as possible, so that the faculty and staff know what the school administration is doing.

Under the Board of Directors is the Operation Team. The seven members are: the Chairman of the Board, the Vice-Principal, the Administrative Director, PTA Presidents (two), the Head Teacher and the Head of the International Department. In addition to reports on school affairs, meetings are held to discuss upcoming events and various issues.

There are also faculty/staff meetings, and faculty/staff subcommittees. The PTA holds general meetings several times a year.

In addition to the day-to-day clerical duties, the office also handles the accounting. We are very strict in our bookkeeping so that there is not a single mistake, and we are especially careful in our duties to maintain 100% transparency.
