CCSD クラーク郡学校区は5月下旬から夏休みに入りましたが、ラスベガス学園は、6月8日の授業を最後に夏休みに入ります。全生徒の3分の1ほどがすでに日本に一時帰国し、その多くが日本の学校に体験入学をしています。ラスベガス学園で学んでいる日本語を試す絶好の機会です。








日本ではちょっと英語がきれいな発音で話せると「バイリンガル」といってもてはやされます。しかし、読み書きができるかというと、そうではありません。それはそれで「10日間の日本旅行」には十分ですが、それは Monoliterate-Bilingual(読み書きは母国だけで、話せるのが2言語)です。ラスベガス学園では Biliterate-Bilingual (読み書きも、話すのも、2言語の運用ができる)を目指しています。



暖かな春の日差しが心地よい季節となりました。 新入生の皆さん 、ご入学おめでとうございます。

また、皆さんを支えてこられた 保護者 の 皆様に、心よりお祝い申し上げます。
僕達 在校生は、みなさんと一緒に日本語や 日本の文化を学ぶことができるのをとても楽しみに待っていました。

幼稚部のみなさん 、元気な声で「おはようございます」と言ってみましょう。

工作したり、 ひらがなの お勉強をしたりします 。節分では鬼に豆をなげたり、 ベークセールでは美味しいお菓子を買ったり、運動会では、みんなで踊ったり、かけっこをしたりします。毎週友達とやさしい先生達と日本語の勉強を楽しみましょう 。

初等部一年生、日本語・日本文化コース入学 のみなさん 、これからは学園生活はもっと大変に感じる事もあれば、 もっと楽しい事もあります 。おやつの時間はなくなるけど、友達と自由に遊べる 休み時間が 三回もあります 。毎週の国語・日本語チャレンジテストの勉強は大変ですが、合格したら色々な嬉しいご褒美が えらべます 。

そして、毎週少しづつ漢字や日本語を習っていくと、 いつの間にか一人で面白いマンガや本が読めるようになり、日本に行く事があれば、もっと楽しめます。 みんな、頑張りましょう 。

中等部に入学の皆さん 。僕は一年前はあなた達と同じ立場でした。自分はまだ子供でもある気持ちもあれば、大人になるのが近づいて来るのを感じる事もありました。 僕は 今ストックマーケットにハマっていますが、 皆さんはどんな事に興味がありますか 。今のうちに、色々な経験をし、自分の好きな事を求めて下さい 。そして、低学年の国語の教科書を 見てみて下さい。当時難しかった音読は今は問題なく 読めると思います 。これは何年もの努力が重なった 結果です。これまで やり遂げて来た 日本語 学習を この学園で 最後まで頑張りましょう。

全新入生の皆さん。 ラスベガス学園では、暖かく見守ってくれる先生や保護者のサポートで僕達は楽 しみながら日本語学習が出来ます。僕は10年間お世話になったこの学園の 存在に感謝の気持ちしかありません。ラスベガス学園では一人一人の生徒に大きな影響があります 。 みんなでこの学園を立派な学校にして行きましょう 。

皆さんが一日も早く、ラスベガス学園になじんで、僕たちと一緒にゆたかな学園生活を送れることを願って歓迎の言葉と させて いただきます 。

The CCSD Clark County School District has been on summer break since late May. Las Vegas Gakuen will be on summer break after classes end on June 8. About one-third of all students have already temporarily returned to Japan, and many of them are enrolling in Japanese schools on a trial basis. This is a great opportunity to try out the Japanese language they are learning at Las Vegas Gakuen.

On April 6, at the LVG’s entrance ceremony, we welcomed 12 new students, in addition to 8 students moving up from kindergarten to elementary and 6 students moving up from elementary to Junior High. We were honored to have Mr. Osumi, Consul General of Japan in San Francisco, and Ms. Katherine Blakeley, Honorary Consul of Japan in Las Vegas, as our guests of honor.

At the entrance ceremony, Kip Malasek, a second-year junior high student, gave a “welcome speech” to the new students as a representative of the current students. In a very heartfelt speech, Kip spoke through his own experience about the many fun things the new students will experience at Las Vegas Gakuen and the importance of continuing their Japanese language studies.

Consul General Osumi, the guest of honor, commented on the website of the Consulate-General of Japan in San Francisco, “I was particularly impressed by Mr. Kip Malasek, the representative of the current students, who welcomed the new students with a clear, dignified, and compassionate speech!” (

Kip has been attending Las Vegas Gakuen for 10 years so far and has proven that he can use his Japanese so well. LVG is not a “Japanese conversation” school. In Japan, people often say, “I want to be able to speak English,” but in order to be able to have a decent conversation, there are many factors involved, including sufficient vocabulary, grammar, and reading comprehension. It is also necessary to understand the culture behind the language.

The Japanese language taught at LVG is not “Japanese that is useful only for 10 days of travel to Japan” so that tourists can do a little shopping.

In Japan, if you can speak English with a good pronunciation, you are considered “bilingual.” While this is sufficient for a “10-day trip to Japan,” it is nothing but “monoliterate-bilingual” (reading and writing only in one’s native language, but speaking only two languages). At LVG, we aim to be Biliterate-Bilingual (able to read, write, and speak two languages).

One of our main goals is to be able to write/read well and present it as well as Kip does.
Not only Kip, but at Las Vegas Gakuen, if you work hard until the end of junior high level, you will certainly be able to develop this Biliterate-Bilingual ability. This is not something that can be achieved with ordinary effort. Not many people can reach this level. Kip says, “If I look at my textbooks from the lower grades, I can read without problems now, even though it was difficult then” and adds “this is the result of ‘years of hard work’”

Well said, Kip! I would love to hire him as a teacher at Las Vegas Gakuen someday.

Enjoy Kip’s speech (English translation. Originally prepared in Japanese)

It has become a pleasant season with warm spring sunshine.

To all the new students: Congratulations! I would also like to extend a heartfelt congratulations to your parents, who have nurtured and supported you throughout. The other students and I have been looking forward to learning Japanese and Japanese culture with all of you.

Preschoolers, can you say,”Good morning” with a big voice? (Now, try saying it after me! – Good morning!)

At Las Vegas Gakuen you will make many friends, sing together, do arts and crafts, and study hiragana. You will throw beans at the Oni during Setsubun, buy tasty treats at the bake sale, and dance and race together at field day. Please have fun learning Japanese with your friends and kind teachers!

To the first graders and students entering the Japanese Language and Culture Courses: from now on, school will be more challenging, but it will also be more fun! You won’t have snack time anymore, but you will have three recess breaks so you can play with your friends! Studying for the weekly Japanese challenge test is difficult, but if you pass, you get to pick from all kinds of fun prizes! And as you learn kanji and Japanese throughout the year, before you know it, you will be able to read fun manga and books by yourself, and if you ever go to Japan, you will have even more fun! So, please do your best!

To all of you who are entering junior high: One year ago, I was in the same shoes as you. I still felt like a kid, but sometimes I would realize I was getting closer to becoming an adult. Right now I’m into the stock market; what are you interested in? Please try to experience a variety of new things to determine what you are into.

Also, take a look at your old Japanese textbooks from lower grades. I think you will find that even though the reading felt difficult at the time, you will have no problems reading it now. This is the result of your years of hard work. Let’s do our best to continue our Japanese education at this school and see it through to graduation!

To all the new students: At Las Vegas Gakuen, we learn Japanese while having fun thanks to the support of our loving teachers and parents. I am truly grateful for the existence of this school, to which I have been indebted for the past ten years. Each and every student can have a great impact at Las Vegas Gakuen; let’s all work together to make this a fantastic school!

In closing, I hope that you will feel at home here at Las Vegas Gakuen soon, and that you will enjoy a rich, fulfilling school life with us.

